The Team

Ivano - I2RFJ

Ivano Rigoli, I2RFJ - He was born in 1944, SWL since 1972 and licensed ham since 1974. Active mainly in SSB, CW; digital modes since 2001.

His antennas along these years were always DX-oriented. DXCC Honor Roll since 1987 and now has 348 entities confirmed at ARRL (mixed).

He partecipated in several dxpeditions among which HV5PUL and 9A/I2RFJ (IOTA EU-110).



Alberto - IV3BSY

Alberto Cristofoletti, IV3BSY He was born in 1978 and got his ticket in the early 2011.

He has a strong interest in contests and he is a guest operator at IQ1RY/IO1T station for main events.

As a rookie he also discovered dxpeditioning, being member of the 9N7MD Team in Nepal.

He loves SSB and pile-ups but he’s also working hard to improve CW skills. 



Tony - IZ2ESV

Tony de Longhi, IZ2ESV – Born in 1980, licensed since 2001 and proudly a “know-code-ham”.Actually working as buyer in the procurement department of a large banking corporation.

Since the beginning he developed a strong interest on DX chasing and contesting, trying to complete the DXCC program. By the way he succeeded with WAS after a hard chase over Wyoming.

He was a CW operator of the 9N7MD Nepal 2011 Dxpedition. He played as guest-operator for several events at the super contest facility at IR4M since 2007. He has been one of the 2009 Lord Howe Island DXpedition (VK9LA) which has been truly the “experience of a life-time”. He hopes to be active again in the future from “the other side of the DX”.

Life member (among the other) of the Oceania DX Group and Pacific DXers. Board member of the 9Radio contest and DX club. His favourite mode is CW.


Andrea - IZ2LSC

Andrea Timpanaro, IZ2LSC – He was born in 1974 and works as a Voice over IP telecommunication engineer for a large Italian telco company.

Licensed since 2007, he enjoys DXing on HF band. Andrea likes portable and light operation using poor means (wires!). He played as XF3/IZ2LSC (Isla Mujeres, NA-045), XE3/IZ2LSC, IQ2LS (contest station), 3A/IZ2LSC, T70DXC, KP2/IZ2LSC (remote station), 9A/IZ2LSC (EU-110), IH9/IZ2LSC (AF-018), CU2/IZ2LSC (EU-003), HV5PUL (Vatican City), 4U1ITU, IY1TTM (Marconi’s Tower). Member of the A.R.I. Club and Board Member/Webmaster of the Insubria Radio Club.

He is addicted to new technology and new media, but also interested in the telecommunication history. His second hobby is music. He plays the drums and shows live in theatres and pubs. His preferred mode is SSB but CW is taking over.

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